


anti-doping activities; sport; educational programs


The Purpose is to substantiate the relevance and main tasks and predicted results of further study of the issues of formation and implementation of educational programs in the system of anti-doping activities in sports.

Results. The official beginning of the development of educational anti-doping programs was laid down by the Council of Europe Anti-Doping Convention (1989). The educational sphere of anti-doping activities was further developed in the first edition of the World Anti-Doping Code (2003), where Article 18 is dedicated to education and obliges international sports federations and national anti-doping organizations to provide anti-doping education to athletes and their support personnel. Starting in 2021, WADA will no longer consider education to be an additional service, but a key element of the global anti-doping prevention strategy, as outlined in the International Standard for Education. This standard is based on the principle that an athlete's first experience of anti-doping should be through education, not doping control. At the same time, the issue of the specifics of the preparation and implementation of educational measures to promote behavior consistent with the values of clean sport and protect athletes and other people from doping, considering social values, national traditions and the relevant legal framework, remains open.

Conclusions. The entry into force of the WADA International Standard for Education, the improvement of domestic legislation on anti-doping activities in sport and the availability of only some scientific knowledge on anti-doping educational programs make it important to study the peculiarities of the formation and implementation of educational programs in the system of anti-doping activities in sport in Ukraine. The purpose, objectives, methods and organization of such research, the expected scientific novelty and practical significance are substantiated.


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