


aging, anti-aging, biological age


Results of a study on an author's program for individuals aged 50-60 years are presented. Biological age was assessed using V.P. Voytenko's method. Implementing a swimming wellness program resulted in a significant reduction of the biological age of participants in this age group. Aging is accompanied by various negative changes in both physiological and psychological spheres. These include reduced emotional control, heightened vulnerability, and diminished initiative, which can lead to depressive states and anxiety in older individuals. The study also confirmed that physical exercises can enhance the functional capacities of the body regardless of the age at which they are started. The proposed program serves as a geroprotective measure in physical education. The findings underscore the importance of targeted interventions to address age-related changes and promote healthy aging. Moreover, they highlight the potential of structured exercise programs, such as swimming, in mitigating the negative effects of aging on both physical and mental well-being. Such interventions not only improve overall health but also contribute to enhancing the quality of life in older adults. The main conclusions of the research indicate that aging is accompanied by a number of negative changes in both physiological and psychological spheres. Specifically, decreased emotional control, increased vulnerability, and loss of initiative can lead to depressive states and anxiety in the elderly. However, it has been found that systematic physical activity can significantly improve the body's adaptive potential and contribute to the prevention of premature aging. Studies have shown that various forms of physical exercises, such as swimming, morning exercises, and others, have a positive impact on the health and vitality of the aging organism. In particular, the results of research on swimming programs among people aged 50-60 years indicate a reduction in biological age and the pace of aging in participants of the experimental group. This confirms the importance of physical activity as a means of combating age-related changes. Therefore, further research and development of programs and methods of physical activity for the elderly are promising directions in the fight against premature aging and the support of health in late stages of life. As the global population continues to age, strategies aimed at maintaining health and vitality in later years become increasingly crucial. Therefore, initiatives focused on promoting active lifestyles and incorporating exercise regimens tailored to the needs of older individuals are essential for promoting successful aging and preserving independence and well-being.


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