

tourism, tourism services market, market relief and market structure, market conditions, export-import of tourist services, incoming, tourism potential, tourism capital.


This article analyzes
the main trends of national tourism
market development; the authors have made
an attempt to identify the leading causes of
low index (rating) of competitiveness of the
country tourism product and the way of its
increasing. They suggest options and effective
mechanisms for the withdrawal of
Ukrainian tourism from the periphery of the
global tourism market to a higher position
in the world’s leading ranks. The infl uence
of endogenous and exogenous factors on the
quantitative and qualitative modifi cation of
the structure and the relief of the market was
also investigated. Peaks and recessions of
its conjunctural fl uctuations were revealed.
The dynamics of tourist fl ows by types of
tourism were traced and analyzed for the
main reasons for their growth decline.
Thus, it has been established that there were
growth phases in the period between 2000
and 2003, 2006 and 2007, 2011 and 2012,
2016 and 2017 in the segment of «domestic
tourism», and there was the phase of
decline between 2004 and 2005, 2008 and
2010, 2013 and 2015. As for outbound tourism,
it began being formed only in 2004. By
this time, the import of tourism services was
nothing more than outward migration. Now
the situation is somewhat similar, however,
outbound tourism does not lose its positions
and dynamically develops at least because
of more favorable conditions and lower
costs for the business itself. The choice of
the foreign side becomes evident also in
the quality of the domestic tourist product,
which by the parameters «what price» is
clearly inferior to its direct competitors. But
considering the conditions of the game of
the market economy, as well as the profi tability
of the tourist business, our business
people took the initiative and actively joined
this business and the market, diversifying
their tourism products, creating new proposals,
using innovative approaches and
technologies in their economic activities.
This is also possible due to the expansion of
the geography of fl ights, the intensifi cation
of land and sea communications, expansion
of hotel base, appearing of appropriate venues
for business events and different events

