
  • L.V. Kovalska
  • T.I. Tkachenko
  • A.R Kovalska


recreation and tourism industry, estimation of tourist resource potential, method, recreational and tourist potential, recreational landscape


The article defi nes and proposes the
main criteria for the classifi cation characteristics
and features of a comprehensive
assessment of the tourist-resource potential
that determine the state and prospects of
tourism development in Ukraine. The methodical
instruction of the integrated assessment
of the tourist-resource potential for the
formation of a complete and rational representation
of its content and the defi nition
of relevant concepts has been improved. It
is established that the assessment of recreational
and tourist resources is determined
by the ratio of the object and subject, which
includes the following stages: allocation of
the object and subject of assessment (recreation,
recreation and tourism economy),
the formation of criteria for evaluation, depending
on the scale and purpose research,
object properties, development of parameters
(evaluation scales).
In accordance with the main points of
the subject should conduct such assessments
of recreational and tourist resources:
medical and biological; psycho-aesthetic;
The recreational potential of the territory
existing in a particular spatial-temporal
reference system and used for recreation,
recreation and recreation may be represented
by different percentages of both natural
and social resources. It was established that
within the framework of integrated assessment
of the resource-recreational system
the main role is played by the availability
and condition of material and technical facilities
and (national) tourism infrastructure
in general. It is noted that certifi cation
and assessment of natural recreational and
tourist resources is one of the main tasks of
management of recreational nature use. It
is proved that the analysis of the tourist and
resource potential of the territory (water
area) is the initial scientifi c base for the development
of strategies and plans for tourism
development at the state and regional

