Manuscript Preparation

Manuscript Preparation

Format: the text should be presented in a single copy on a sheet of A4

Font: Times New Roman,  font size 14

Indention :10 mm

Filds: top, bottom, left fields – 20 mm, right – 10 mm

The volume of the original article – 8–15 pages

Languages: Ukrainian, English

Structure Elements:


Author’(s) (first name, surname), personal information (English and Ukrainian)

ORCID iD  (personal code)

Title of the article (English and Ukrainian)

Annotation (500 symbols), key words (English, Ukrainian)

The article's text must be formed according to requirements for professional publications listed by HAC of Ukraine: 

  • Aim of the research
  • Formulation of the problem in general
  • Analysis of the recent research and publications
  • Main body
  • Conclusions

The list of literature is required. The list is submitted according to the international style of designing of APA scientific publications.

References should be formulated as transliteration of the list of all sources ( The English translation of the title of the publication is given after transliteration in the round brackets. 

The article should be accompanied by a review. 

The list of literature must have at least one source with a registered digital object identifier (Digital Object Identifier, DOI).

Together with the material, its shortened version (2-3 pages) in the Ukrainian and English languages is submitted to the editorial board.

The date of submission of the manuscript to the editorial office, the signature of the authors (co-authors). 

Information about the authors (co-authors): first name, last name, patronymic, position at the place of work (full name of the organization), contact phone number, e-mail, if available, academic degree, degree is given as well. Materials are accepted as files in MS Word For Windows text editors on electronic media or by e-mail. E-mail: Charts and drawings must be black and white and clear (submitted on electronic media). Figures and photographs are presented in the text of the article. To create graphic drawings, a graphic editor built into Word for Windows is used. The titles of drawings and tables are typed in the Times New Roman, font size 10. Formulas must be submitted in a separate line format. In formulas, the built into Word for Windows editor formula Equation 3.0 is used. 

Manuscripts that do not meet the requirements are not accepted by the editorial staff.