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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Це подання раніше не було опубліковане і не надсилалося на розгляд до редакцій інших журналів (або вкажіть пояснення у коментарях для редактора).
  • Файл подання є документом у форматі Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, RTF або WordPerfect.
  • Веб-посилання у тексті супроводжуються повними коректними адресами URL.
  • Текст набраний 12-м розміром кеглю з одинарним міжрядковим інтервалом; авторські акценти виділені курсивом, а не підкресленням (всюди, крім адрес URL); всі ілюстрації, графіки та таблиці розміщені безпосередньо у тексті, там, де вони повинні бути за змістом (а не у кінці документу).
  • Текст відповідає вимогам щодо стилістики та бібліографії, викладеним у Керівництві для авторів розділу "Про журнал".

Author Guidelines

For authors of the Academic Journal

“Personality Psychology”


We accept hard and soft copies of academic papers, which should contain:

  1. UDC Identifier;
  2. Author’s name and surname, paper title, abstract, keywords in Ukrainian. The summary should be 1,800 characters excluding spaces with 5-10 key words
  3. Author’s name and surname, paper title, abstract (1,800 characters excluding spaces), keywords in English;

The summary should be structured as follows: Purpose, Methods, Results and Conclusions.

  1. Paper Structure:

4.1. General challenge statement and its relation to important scientific or practical tasks;

4.2. Analysis of the recent research and papers that explore the issue and are relied upon by the author, highlighting the previously unresolved parts of the general challenge that are the focus of the paper;

4.3. Purpose of the research;

4.4. Research methods and techniques (covering theoretical and methodological and/or experimental study procedure)

4.4. Conceptual issues of theoretical and/or empirical research, discussion of the issues covered;

4.5. Conclusions of the given research and implications for further research in this area;

4.6. References (skip one line after the conclusions and provide the list of cited references).

4.7. References (in English).


Requirements for the paper layout and composition:

  • We primarily accept papers with an empirical part. Purely theoretical papers are to be published in limited numbers and on condition that they are of significant scientific relevance.
  • Theoretical analysis should not confine itself to references to authors who have studied the challenge stated. It should contain a brief summary of the data obtained by them with the emphasis on directions, trends, approaches to the issue exploration. Pure mentioning the names of researchers is not allowed! Empirical results should contain specific data, supporting the statistical validity of findings. The findings may be presented in the form of tables, graphs, charts with subsequent interpretation.
  • Most of the sources should reflect the current state of scientific research (5 recent years). Not more than 20% of self-reference to each of the co-authors is allowed.
  • The paper itself (excluding abstracts and references) should be about 0.5 author’s sheets (at least 10 pages of typewritten text). The overall size of the article should be 12-20 pages;
  • the text should be typed with 5 space interval, on the format of А4 size, with 14pt font size, in Times New Roman font;
  • margins should be as follows: bottom, top – 2 cm, right side – 5 cm, left side – 3 cm;
  • The text should be typed without hyphenation
  • mathematical formulas should be carefully checked and clearly typed. The number of tables, formulas and illustrations should be minimal and relevant. Figures and tables on landscape layout are not accepted;
  • References in the text should be cited only in parentheses according to the example: (Petrenko, 2002); (Pedagogical Psychology, 2009).

If a page of the source is mentioned, it should be indicated using a colon, for example (Petrenko, 2002: 25-27).

Each reference in the list should be cited in the text of the paper;

  • Bibliographic description of the list of references should be provided in accordance with the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302: 2015 "Information and documentation. Bibliographical reference. General provisions and compilation standards".
  • Please specify standard DOI (if any) in the reference description.
  • References in English should be compiled according to the APA Style standard (APA Style Reference Citations). Author (transliteration), title of the article (transliteration), title of the article (translation into English in brackets), title of the source (transliteration), imprint (city with designation in English), publisher (transliteration).

For example:

Doktorovych M.O. (2010). Nepovna simia: Osoblyvosti roboty sotsialnoho pedahoha [An Incomplete Family: Features of a Social Pedagogue]. Kyiv: Shkilnyi Svit [in Ukrainian].

Dymnova T.I. (1998). Zavisimost kharakteristik supruzheskoy semi ot roditelskoy [The dependence of the characteristics of the marital family on the parent]. Voprosy psikhologii Psychology issues, 2, 46-56 [in Russian].


Bibliographic description in accordance with APA style can be completed on the site of online automatic reference generation: Citation Machine ( or any other;

Names and surnames in Ukrainian should be transliterated according to the requirements of the Decree No. 55 On Standardization of Transliteration of the Ukrainian Alphabet by means of the Latin Alphabet issued by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on January 27, 2010.     

Transliteration from Russian is provided according to GOST 7.79-2000. System of Standards on Information, Librarianship and Publishing. Rules for transliteration of Cyrillic alphabet by means of Latin alphabet.

Transliteration from Ukrainian can be done using the service and from Russian using

Papers are published in Ukrainian.

We invite papers by Doctors of Sciences, Candidates of Sciences (PhDs), doctoral and postdoctoral researchers (PhD students, external PhD students, students), as well as authors with a university degree who are engaged in scientific activities.

Students’ papers are accepted only in co-authorship with their research advisor.


Required documents:

  • Information about the author(s): surname, first name, patronymic, academic degree, academic title, place of work, position, contact telephone number, email (required) – in Ukrainian and English; ORCID
  • Soft copy of the paper;
  • Mailing address
  • Payment slip copy (photo or scan) – after the paper has been reviewed and confirmed for publication.


Submissions go through blind peer review.

Publishing fee is

Papers should be forwarded at e-mail:


The Editorial Board reserves the right to review, edit, reduce the text of submissions and to reject papers if they do not meet the requirements.


Chair of the Editorial Board – Piletska Liubomyra Sydorivna  e-mail:


Journal website:














Surname, name and patronymic (in Ukrainian)

Academic degree, title,                         position                                                            Name of the institution                                                                                                 ORCID                                                                                                    e-mail


Surname, name and patronymic (in English)                                                                       Academic degree, title, position (in English)                                                              Name of the institution (in English)                                                                                               ORCID                                                                                                  e-mail







PAPER TITLE (in Ukrainian)

PAPER TITLE (in English)


Abstract (in Ukrainian)

Keywords (in Ukrainian)


Abstract (in English)

Keywords (in English)





References (in Ukrainian)

References (in English)                                        




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