Cooperation as a self-organizational principle of the formation of the sociality of personality




cooperation, sociality of personality, moral principles of cooperation, pragmatic dimension of cooperation, trust, tolerance, solidarity


t. Purpose. The purpose of the research is to reveal the essential specifics of the phenomenon of
cooperation as a self-organizational factor of the formation of the sociality of personality. Methods. The author uses the
synthesis of phenomenological and self-organizational methods in the study. They enable viewing the cooperation as a
self-organizational phenomenon, the essence of which being the moral grounds based on which happens the formation
of social personality. Results. In the study, the author substantiates the concept of self-organizational formation of the
sociality of personality based on cooperation in the context of pragmatic and moral factors. Moral factors of cooperation
are viewed as self-organizational phenomenological grounds of the formation of the sociality of personality.
Conclusions. Cooperation is one of the fundamental self-organizational ways of formation of the sociality of personality
and the initial principle of the formation of any types of communities. Self-organizational formation of the sociality of
personality based on cooperation is grounded on the moral qualities of a personality, which are the structural elements
of consciousness and self-consciousness of personality. The absence of cooperation and the desire to cooperate is the
reason for loneliness and social alienation of personality. The basis of personal and collective success and growth is
social integration based on cooperation. Pragmatic measurement of cooperation is based on such criteria as usefulness,
efficiency, mutual benefit, and subsidiarity, which lie in the coordination of effort and allocation of spheres of
responsibility of personalities. Cooperation, collaboration, and collective work are based on such pragmatic criteria.
Moral grounds of cooperation determine its essential character. In particular, altruism, trust, democracy, egalitarianism,
sacrifice, harmony, cohesion, collective responsibility, equality, solidarity, social responsibility, social peace, social
openness, justice, tolerance are the moral principles of cooperation. They are the self-organizational basis of the
formation of the sociality of personality.

Author Biographies

Ihor Hoian, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

Doctor of Philosophy,
Doctor of Psychology, Professor,
Professor of the Department of Social

Volodymyr Budz, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

PhD in Philosophy,
Associate Professor of Philosophy,
Postdoctoral researcher




