Рsychological aspects of formation of psychological security of personality in the educational environment in the format of her mental health





psychological security, educational environment, mental health, mental health criteria


The content of the article focuses on the problem of psychological security of the individual in the educational environment through the prism of his mental health. The author reveals the importance of the social aspect in the process of personality formation, focuses on the educational environment as such, where the formation of a young personality takes place, shows the impact of a safe educational environment on mental health. The aim of the article is to reveal the essence of psychological security of a person in the educational environment through the prism of his mental health. The following methods are used in the article: theoretical: analysis and synthesis, abstraction and idealization, induction and deduction, analogy, comparison, juxtaposition; terminological analysis (to define and specify the basic concepts of the study); prognostic analysis (to identify prospects for development); method of concretization and systematization of theoretical knowledge in the process of solving research problems. The obtained results contribute to a better understanding of the need to create a safe educational environment, and to realize this will be possible due to its content of technologies and programs that will remove psychological violence during pedagogical interaction between participants in the educational process. The author argues that mental health should be considered not on the basis of the absence of mental disorders, but, in fact, because of the presence of appropriate components. It also identifies a set of mental health indicators, such as self-assessment, self-actualization, harmony of personal characteristics, the general state of the emotional sphere and communications. Western modern scholars consider self-esteem and anxiety to be the most informative indicators of mental health. An analysis of the views of scientists on the issue of mental health in the educational environment has made it possible to interpret it through a close relationship with its corresponding condition – safety in the educational environment. It is reflected in the security characteristics of its participants, which is further reflected in the relevant positive indicators of mental
health. Improving psychological security contributes to personal development and overall harmony in the field of mental health. The author outlines the prospects of her research, in particular points to the possibility of studying diagnostic tools to provide an appropriate assessment of the state of psychological safety in the educational environment both in order to create appropriate psychotechnologies and for monitoring.

Author Biographies

Zoriana Kovalchuk, Lviv State University of internal affairs

Doctor of psychological Sciences,
Professor, Head of the Theoretical Psychology
department, Institute of Management,
Psychology and Security

Liubomyra Piletska, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

Doctor of psychological sciences,
Professor, Head of the Department of Social




