Tolerance to uncertainty as a professional competence of a psychologist




uncertainty, situation of uncertainty, tolerance to uncertainty, intolerance, decision making, risk, competence


The aim of the research is a theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of tolerance to uncertainty in
the context of professional (special) psychologist competencies.
Research methods: theoretical – scientific literature analysis and synthesis, research systematization
and generalization; empirical – psychodiagnostic testing, qualitative analysis; mathematical methods of
interpretation – percentage rating.
Research results: theoretical and methodological analysis of the concepts «uncertainty», «tolerance to
uncertainty», «intolerance to uncertainty», «risk», «decision making», «competence».
The theoretical findings show that uncertainty is related to the lack of informations or inconsistency of the
situation. Mass mood management specialists, mass media use the uncertainty situation to manage the mood of
communities from euphoria to mass panic.
The variability of the world, military, economic threats require the individual to be able to respond flexibly
in complete uncertain situations. In such conditions, tolerance of uncertainty or ambiguity is an important factor of
the adaptation, survival and in professional activities – the key to success.
Tolerance of uncertainty is one of the psychological phenomena that scientists interpret as a personality trait,
cognitive characteristic, attitude or as an individual’s ability, that combined with others, such as the ability to set
goals and predict, make decisions and self-control, ability to analyze contradictions and formulate several hypotheses
before evaluating their effectiveness, solving dilemmas, readiness to make choices, ability to withstand the stress of
crises situations and the ability to relieve the tension of uncertainty – self-regulation, risk management skills, allows
you to function successfully in the unpredictable space of today’s world.
Conclusions. Uncertainty is an integral feature of modern reality in general and professional situations of a
psychologist. The ability of a specialist to create a new product, to function successfully and perform tasks in the
constant change and uncertainty is one of the most important competencies today. We believe that the formation of
personal characteristics and the ability to overcome situations of uncertainty should be іn the education program in
the special professional training of psychologists.

Author Biography

Halyna Fedoryshyn, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University

PhD (Psychology), Associate Professor,
Associate Professor of the Department of Social




