The Genesis of the Image of Success in Ukrainian System of Values


  • Svitlana Botsvinok аспірантка кафедри соціальної психології ДВНЗ«Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника», м. Івано-Франківськ.


практика успіху, успіх, суспільство, культура, цінності, українська ідентичність


The article explains the concept of "the practice of success", analyses the values that dominated at the time of the Cossacks and their impact on the image of success in the Ukrainian consciousness using the Ukrainian literature. The article also highlights the factors that influenced the generation of individual models of success at different stages of the Ukrainian nation development and up to the present. The specific cycle of psychological success model development is analyzed and the influence of the culture introduced by the postmodernism on the generations of people ideas about individual and social success is determined. Positive and negative impact of postmodernism on the essentiality and the ways of the success achievement is observed.

However historical periods, economic, political and social life conditions of the people, their culture and mentality are gradually changing, some practices remains for centuries, ensuring the sustainability of traditional norms and values ​​of the people.

In this regard, for an adequate understanding of the generation of the individual success in modern conditions the analysis of values ​​and ways of socio-economic interactions of Ukrainians that define these practices is presented.

The practice of success in the consciousness of Ukrainians since XIX century is described and it is determined that during a long period the collective norms and values dominated and ​​that was a condition for the survival of the each individual and the community as a whole. Whereas everything what Ukrainian did was forced and not directed to success, the Ukrainian society has different values, and nowadays the values ​​of postmodernism are actively absorbed.



