Ethnic Tolerance – Xenophobia: Transformation of Ethnic Identity of Modern Students


  • Oleksandra Hrynchuk кандидат психологічних наук, доцент кафедри соціаль-ної психології ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені ВасиляСтефаника», м. Івано-Франківськ.


етнічна толерантність, етнічна ідентичність, інтолерантність, етноегоїзм, етнофанатизм


The article deals with the problem of the ethnic identity transformation and its manifestations in the ethnic tolerance–xenophobia in the process of interpersonal interaction. It is noted that the problem of the formation and realization of the younger generation’s ethnic identity is crucial for leveling the aggressive information effects of the environment, the development of psychological tension and intolerance in interpersonal relationships, and the manifestations of discrimination and aggression.

The paper substantiates the urgent importance, in today’s multicultural society, of the formation of ethnic tolerance of a modern human being to the members of other ethnic groups.

The author dwells on the peculiarities of ethnic tolerance and intolerance, as well as on the need for their adequate differentiation.

It is noted that ethnic bigotry (intolerance) is one of the manifestations of the crisis transformations of the ethnic identity.

The results of the diagnostic study of the modern students’ ethnic identity shows that 65.5% of the respondents have a positive ethnic identity that combines a positive attitude to their ethnic group with a positive attitude to the “others”; 13% have a typical ethnic indifference that demonstrates the ethnic identity fuzziness revealed in the uncertain ethnic belonging or its poor relevance to the individual; 12% show signs of ethnic fanaticism – a kind of readiness for any action; 9.5% display ethnic egoism, which is manifested in the irritation while dealing with the members of other ethnic groups or in the recognition of the own group’ right to solve problems at the expense of “others.”

In general, the results of the study revealed a low percentage of ethnically tolerant students prone to the ethnic identity transformation in the direction of its hyperbolization, which is manifested in the processes of interpersonal interaction in the forms of ethnic egoism and ethnic fanaticism.



