Personality’s Intellectual Features in Functioning in her Speech Experience


  • Maryna Orap доктор психологічних наук, доцент, професор кафедри психології, Тернопільський національний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Гнатюка.


особистість, інтелект, мовлення, мовленнєвий досвід


Speech experience is considered by us as a combination of elements that are in relations and connections with each other and forming a certain system that enables the personality’s speech mastering of the world. We have identified and empirically studied the structure of the speech experience you see as the synthesis of internal and external structures. The function of the internal structure is consolidating, streamlining and organizing the results of the speech development of the world by means of speech capability, verbal abilities, speech competence and speech activity. The external structure aimed at the personality’s speech mastering of the world based on linguistic world view, speech competency and speech culture.

Exploring the speech experience as necessarily appropriate person, we predicted that there is a relationship between levels of organization of the internal structure and external factors structure the speech experience and personal characteristics of the subject. We found that factor “B” in the R.B.Cattell test has a correlation with language abilities and speech activity, factor “M” - with cognitive competence, and factor Q1 - with language abilities and speech activity as elements of the internal structure of the speech experience.

Realized empirical research gives reason to make a conclusion that the personality’s intellectual characteristics are in correlation with the specific characteristics of language abilities, speech activity and speech competence. Elements of external structures, causing changes in those personal characteristics that determine the interaction between personality and society. So, the peculiarity of combining structural elements of speech experience with personal characteristics, causes the peculiarities of personality’s speech mastering of the world.



