Influence of the Neuropsychic Stability on Formation of Coping Strategies of Servicemen


  • Vitaliia Skydanovych аспірантка кафедри соціальної психології ДВНЗ«Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника», м. Івано-Франківськ.


копінг-стратегії, критичні ситуації, військовослужбовці, стрес, нервово-психічна стійкість (НПС)


The article is devoted to the analysis of interrelation of the neuropsychic stability level and effectiveness of servicemen coping strategies in the critical situations.

The coping strategies are considered as the strategies of overcoming difficulties and adjustment of interrelations with the environment. The psychological importance of coping lies in the efficient adaptation of the subject to difficult situations.

In his article, we elucidate the dominant coping strategies of servicemen. According to the results of empirical research, we have discovered that among the interviewed dominate the adaptive productive coping strategies and adaptive relatively productive coping strategies.

There were established the levels of neuropsychic stability formedness of the interviewed persons. We have studied the domination of good and high level of neuropsychic stability in the interviewed people which is a favorable factor for participation of servicemen in the critical situations. Also, we have studied the ratio of the neuropsychic stability and coping strategies.

It has been found out that productive adaptive coping strategies prevail in persons with high level of the neuropsychic stability; in persons with middle level of the neuropsychic stability are equally present as productive adaptive as relatively productive adaptive coping strategies; in the interviewed with sufficient level of the neuropsychic stability prevail relatively productive relatively adaptive coping strategies, though relatively productive adaptive also are present; insufficient level of the neuropsychic stability (which is not enough presented) is characterized as by relatively productive relatively adaptive, as by non-adaptive non-productive coping strategies.




