Social and Psychological Understanding of Subjective Well-being of the Individual in Marriage


  • Victor Piletsky кандидат психологічних наук, доцент кафедри соціальної психології ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника», м. Івано-Франківськ.


суб'єктивне благополуччя, критерії благополуччя, шлюбні відносини


In the article, the author raises the issue of social and psychological well-being of the individual in the marriage. Thesis there is determined the criteria and subjective well-being of the individual features in marriage, family stability (as a result - the implementation of major family functions), satisfaction with marriage, the possibility of self-fulfillment in marriage. It is noted that a wide range of conditions, successful relationship suggests that subjective well-being of the individual in marriage characterized by conditions not all at once, and some of their population (which may also determine the specific relationship in a particular pair).

One of the most important spheres of personality is a family in which the central place occupied by the marriage relationship, creating a psychological space of the living world of the individual, determine the quality of family life. Well-being in marriage provides a subjective experience of the individual satisfaction of conjugal relations, and is the basis of psychological comfort and positive emotional health, and therefore the problem of the study of social and psychological nature of subjective well-being of the individual single dynamic in terms of social relations is particularly important.

To summarize what was said, the author notes that a wide range of conditions, successful relationship suggests that subjective well-being of the individual in marriage characterized by conditions not all at once, and some of their population (which may also determine the specific relationship in a particular pair). Thus, the problem of eligibility subjective well-being of the individual single way or other conditions require more careful consideration and can serve as the prospect of further research.



