Mother Role in Education of a Child with Special Needs


  • Galina Fedoryshyn кандидат психологічних наук, доцент кафедри соціальної психології ДВНЗ «Прикарпатський національний університет імені Василя Стефаника», м. Івано-Франківськ.


материнсько-дитячі стосунки, материнське ставлення, відхилення в розвитку, прийняття, виховання, психологічний супровід


This article analyses some factors which influence on personal properties of a mother with a child with special needs and define her behavior. Mothering and maternal-infant relations, viability of psychological accompaniment of maternal-infant relations in the families, which bring up a child with special needs, are explained here as well.

Parents face much more stressful feelings because of the invalidity of their child; the same cannot be said of such children because they have nothing to compare seeing that they have never planed ahead; they just live and enjoy every day that comes. Significant factors which influence on the formation of mother’s personal properties are to accept these special needs of her child (feeling of guilt, feeling of inferiority, helplessness and so on), non-conformity of social and personal expectations as to this child, psychological capability of family group, that is, strategies presence or absence as to the overcoming of crisis situations in families.

Emotional sphere often presents the prevalence of personal anxiety. These conditions always accompany such woman and can create a kind of development of neurosis. Mothers of healthy children in general are communicative and possess good mood and high vitality. This is not true for women who bring up children with special needs; in this case we can speak about the prevalence of low level of sociability, bad mood, insecurity, loneliness. These women need psychological aid – first of all for understanding and acceptance of her child’s situation. These women need a help to expand the horizons of their life-sustaining activity, to live a fulfill life. Only then it will be much easier to help them in bringing up of their child.



